Breaking Down the Expert Testimony of the PA Gerrymandering Case
If a Congressional District looks like it is gerrymandered and behaves like it’s gerrymandered, it’s probably gerrymandered. By that I...
Two Leaders, Two Nations, Two Agendas, Two Policies
How the disparate political and social situations in the United States and China have lead the two global leaders in carbon emissions in...
Gerrymandering Data
Past Five House Elections The link above takes you to a breakdown of the last five National House races (2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016)....
BugPAC's Impact
(Photo from the "Elect Charles R. Gable" website) This blog post, the first of Three O'Four, is going to look at data from recent State...
Okay, Let's Blog As Well
Along with Podcasts, Dan and I hope to go back and forth doing weekly blog posts, focusing on a wide variety of topics we find...